ʚ just don’t follow me if you’re a terf, transphobic, homophobic, racist, and such
ʚ i’m very nsfw mostly through jokes on here, but on my private i am more seriously nsfw; most nsfw stuff is towards me or my girlfriend so no worries
ʚ i have strong opinions regarding certain things so i might talk about them a lot (ex. i'm an aroace exclusionist... so)
ʚ i’m okay with any gendered terms; i prefer he/him/his for pronouns & i‘m only okay with certain masculine terms like boy (but do not use ”man” please), dude, bro, king, etc. + please use feminine terms for me besides those ^_^
ʚ i block people i don’t like
ʚ i am against anything problematic, especially things i’m a survivor of so...!
ʚ i’m selective follow back; i usually follow back if we share mutuals, interests or something but if you wanna oomf/befriend me just send me a msg
ʚ i know some of my interests are cringey but i hyperfixate on them so please don’t make fun of me for them ^^;;
ʚ i change my icon a lot and sometimes my username a lot, i’m very indecisive
ʚ i kin with characters for fun and also (gender) coping reasons; astolfo (fate), callie (splatoon), pearl (splatoon 2), saki mizushima(sidem), etc.!

ʚ discord: milf#9077
ʚ line id: ollibiahye
ʚ nintendo switch fc: 7344-7410-8525
ʚ tumblr